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Other Industry

Before the advent of out of town shopping most villages were pretty much self sufficient with tailors, cobblers etc. In the section on Lochwinnoch is a copy of the "Lochwinnoch Official Guide", unfortunately it is not dated but given the businesses that are listed it is probably dated around 1935 and it gives a flavour of the range of businesses that traded in the village. In fact at one time there were 4 bakers, 4 butchers, a fish shop, 8 or 9 grocers some with delicatessens, drapers, shoe shops and cobblers, a sizeable Co-op presence in both High Street and Main Street, several sweet shops, gents and ladies outfitters, 2 paper-shops, 3 garages one of which had a new car showroom, taxi and bus hire, a blacksmith, builders and joiners and plumbers yards, a painter’s shop, a cinema, furniture and a soft drinks factory, a dairy, two working farms (actually within the village!) a Foyle’s library shop……and much more. In fact, you could still have your coffin made and funeral arrangements carried out by a village firm!


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