PB the Cairn
The purpose of the site is to help those new to the village to connect with its past and for those who have left for pastures new to remember what was left behind
A Review of Hunter Hamilton & Crawford 1891
The above firm hold a leading position as cabinet and chair makers in this district, and carry on the industry on a large scale and with the most flattering reputation and success. The business has been in existence for ten years, and is conducted under very favourable conditions in the Calder Works.
The premises cover half an acre, and are entirely modern in their construction and equipment. A large factory of five floors serves for the accommodation of the several departments. The sawing and shaping appliances are conveniently located on the ground floor and are driven by a steam engine of twenty-horse power. Several of the machines now in use in the trade are of special construction; and the plant of the above firm well illustrates the improvement that has taken place in labour-saving appliances. Above this department are two floors devoted to cabinet and chair making, a third appropriated to polishing, upholstering, etc., while the top flat contains the important carving department. A portion of the premises serves for packing and dispatch and there is also a suitable range of offices.
A noticeable feature of the Calder Works is the large quantity of cabinet woods undergoing the long seasoning process which is necessary to fit them for the workshop; and to this important matter of seasoning, no less than to the selection of the woods themselves, the firm devote particular attention. Chairs of all kinds - plain or elaborately carved - are the principal product, though general cabinet work is also carried on extensively. The firm enjoy a special reputation for their ship chairs, and are the principal makers of this class of goods in Scotland. Both “frame” and finished work is turned out for the trade, and uniformly of the finest quality. Messrs. Hunter, Hamilton, and Crawford command a large business with the principal buyers of the United Kingdom, and rank among the foremost manufacturers of Scotch cabinet furniture.