PB the Cairn
The purpose of the site is to help those new to the village to connect with its past and for those who have left for pastures new to remember what was left behind
Who do you think they are?
The Old Biscuit Tin
Pat Smith
The old biscuit tin lived in the tin press in the prefab. The contents had been passed down the family. Inside were lots of old photos, almost all, were photographs of people. Who were they?
Some years after I inherited the tin I digitised the photos. I knew some of the people, after all, some were of me, others, no idea!
Luckily a few had names on the back in my mother’s handwriting.

The photo on the left intrigued me.
On the back of the photo it read "the height of fashion in the 1890's Aunt Jessie Firstbrook"
I had heard the name Firstbrook mentioned before.
Researching on Ancestry website I found that she was an aunt of my gran and was born about 1881 in Edinburgh and had a twin brother James.
I suspect the photo below is of James, but nothing is written on the back to confirm this.
Be very careful when writing names on old photographs. Never use a pen. Some inks can seep through and stain the photo. A soft leaded pencil is good.

The Smith family. L to R
Robert, Annie, Pat, John, Tom, Colin
Seated, Annie, Patrick (Peter)

The Pryde family. L to R
Robina, Walter, Hanna,
Seated, Agnes, Phemie, Jessie, John